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Protection, rescue & security

Light can save life!

The right light is crucial for successful and safe use in the dark.

There is hardly too much lighting, but it is advisable to observe the following points.

Illumination of the operation site for the fire brigade, police and civil protection

The main focus of the illumination is always the place of action and damage. Even if it is still light, this should never be neglected. The operating time passes quickly and suddenly you are surprised by the darkness.
Illumination that is as even and bright as possible contributes significantly to a good overview, safety and speedy execution of the operation. Existing ambient lights on vehicles, flexible lighting systems on tripods, or targeted illumination with high-performance spotlights from afar are used for this.

Where there is light - there is also shadow. The formation of shadows can be reduced or even avoided by placing several light sources. 


Access to the deployment site and external workplaces must not be neglected. Hose lines and objects or equipment placed in a hurry are a major tripping hazard.

With selectively placed light sources and good personal equipment (headlamps and flashlights), the action outside the damage area is also guaranteed. 

Requirements for the operational lighting
  • Protection class IP65 - and higher
    Guarantees protection against the ingress of dirt and water. (please referIP protection classes)
    PS: Good IP protection also makes cleaning easier.


  • Robust construction
    An impact resistance rating of at least IK07 is recommended. IK10 is recommended for very exposed floodlights.


  • Stable in stand and assembly
    Well screwed fastening of the lights (DIN spigot), non-slip feet and secured tripods (observe HAUS rules)


  • Light control
    Beam direction and beam angle are crucial for optimal illumination and reduction of glare. Modern LED spotlights have different optical solutions. Let us advise you.​


  • Easy to use
    The light should be self-explanatory and easy to use. This promotes the speed of use and independence of the user. 


  • Flexibility
    The versatile and simple use of lighting is crucial in order to be able to cover different scenarios.  

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  • Sustainability and accessories
    High demands can lead to wear and tear on the products. For this reason it is important that quality products can also be repaired and that spare parts are available.
    (NORDRIDE guarantees to stock spare parts over a long period of time - see accessories).

  • Explosion protection / ATEX
    Wherever flammable substances are manufactured, processed, transported, stored or worked with, explosion protection must be observed. This must be taken into account when choosing a hand lamp!
    Further information on the subject of explosion protection can be found here:

Tripods & mast lights on vehicles

Before a light mast is extended or a tripod is set up, the height of the usable space must be checked. Obstacles and overhead lines are difficult to see in the dark!

The following points must be taken into account in advance:

  • Obstacles

  • Distances

  • Underground

  • Safety

Umfeldbeleuchtung Feuerwehr NORDRIDE Vision Flex

Example of mobile ambient lightingVISION FLEX(Article 4044)

Mobile Stromversorgung durch Akkus & Power Stations

Die autarke Stromversorgung wird vermehrt zur zusätzlichen Anforderung. Dazu benötigt man leistungsfähige Akkus und Power Stations. Dies ermöglicht die schnelle und mobile Verfügbarkeit von Strom. Sei es zur Überbrückung bis die schweren Gerätschaften & Generatoren einsatzbereit sind, oder für emissionsfreie Innenraumeinsätze. Zusätzlich kann eine professionelle Power Station auch zur Notstromversorgung zwischengeschaltet werden.

Damit eine mobile Energiequelle den hohen Anforderungen gerecht wird, empfiehlt es sich verschiedene Produkteeigenschaften klar zu definieren. Bei Feuerwehreinsätzen können dies folgende sein:

  • Robustes Design

  • Erfüllung eines hohen IP-Schutzes (z.B. IP65), resistent gegen Schmutz & Nässe

  • Effektiv benötigte Spitzenleistung

  • Notstromeigenschaft, Back-up als USV?

  • Speisung verschiedener Anschlüsse (USB-A, USB-C, 230V, etc.)

  • Schnelles Aufladen / Fast-Charging

  • Hohe Anzahl Ladezyklen

  • Produktesicherheit (Batterie & Sicherheitsvorkehrungen)


Nebst der Wahl einer entsprechenden Power Station, empfiehlt es sich auch die Lichtsysteme und Gerätschaften entsprechend auszuwählen. Ein zu hoher Stromverbrauch verkürzt die Einsatzdauer!


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Power Station POWER-X (Art. 7220)

Illumination of the helipad

A special case is the illumination of a landing area for a helicopter. A sports field with floodlights or an open, well-lit and paved parking lot would be ideal for this.

If this is not possible, a suitable place can be illuminated with the mobile lighting. The following points must be observed:


  • The floodlights should be positioned at the corner points of the surface (distance 35 - 50m). Vehicles with good headlights (dipped headlights tilted forward) can also be positioned for this purpose.

  • The illumination should be as flat as possible so as not to dazzle the helicopter pilot when approaching.

  • All obstacles are to be illuminated and made visible.

  • The blue light can be switched on for orientation from the air.

  • Before starting the helicopter again, it is advisable to briefly discuss the lighting with the pilot.  


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